The very best Industrial reads of the year

The very best Industrial reads of the year


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The value of your Installed Base is the value of your business

A manufacturer’s Installed Base is incredibly valuable. But it is also very complex with complicated workflows.
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Blog by Vivek Joshi, Jan 2022


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Supply Chain, Inflation, & Labor Shortages stalling your growth?

Is your supply chain disrupted?  Are you losing customers? Are you experiencing labor shortages?  Is revenue and profit below 2019 levels?
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Blog by  Mar 2022


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The two things that will make or break your data lake strategy

There is a trend among big industrial manufacturers to consolidate the data into data lakes. And that is a good move.
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Blog by Lalit Bhatt, Jan 2022


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Industrial Tech Landscape

Industrial OEMs deploy a wide variety of software, tools, and technologies to run their business and manage day-to-day operations.
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By Preetesh Menkar, Jan 2022


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Are BI tools a match for Installed Base Platform?

In today’s world there is a vast amount of data and information, and with a lot of data there comes a lot of questions.
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By Pooja Dalvi ,Mar 2022


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